Easy to use Each religious service and section of prayer in the new 280 page siddur is now colour coded. Symbols throughout guide readers, both children and their families, to information, instructions and brief translations. Links to JOG , the Jewish Online Guides on the United Synagogue website and a QR code take you straight to the instructional video clips another innovation. Bigger, better The Prayer Book, with an introduction by Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, has also expanded to include all the additional prayers for High Holydays, asked for by teachers and children s service leaders, avoiding the need for an additional prayerbook. Also included are additional tehillim, psalms said at time of difficulty and for the healing of a sick person etc. With full colour illustrations throughout, the new Siddur Shevet Asher is certain to become the new must have Prayer Book for all children and families, as a stepping stone to the, now familiar, Sacks Singer s Authorised Daily Prayer Book.
Tribe Siddur for Children